Touchstone Pilates is a satellite certification center for the Romana’s Pilates Certification program, the most distinguished program in the world. Because of this incredible satellite certification center, you do not have to go any further than Touchstone Pilates, the only Pittsburgh Pilates certification center. Lisa Pellow, the owner of Touchstone Pilates, is a Level IV Teacher Trainer and is happy to accept students ready to learn. If you are ready to start your journey to becoming an instructor, here is why you should consider working with Touchstone Pilates.
How to Become A Certified Pittsburgh Pilates Instructor
What is Romana’s Pilates? Pittsburgh Experts Break Down the Basics

Pilates has been a proven method for safe and effective exercise for 80 years and was first founded by Joseph Pilates. Joseph was born in Germany in 1883 and was a sickly child who had asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever. He dedicated his whole life to become stronger by studying gymnastics and bodybuilding. During World War I, Joseph was interned with other German citizens in a camp near Lancaster, where his Pilates method bloomed. After the war, Joseph met his future wife Clara, moved to the United States, and opened a studio in New York City.
In the early days of Joseph and Clara’s studio, they taught students something they called “Contrology,” meaning complete coordination of the mind, body, and spirit. Joseph practiced and taught Pilates for his entire life until he passed in 1967. The practice is still being used worldwide by athletes, dancers, fitness trainers, and the general public.
Romana’s Pilates teaches the practices of Pilates that were directly passed down from Joseph and Clara’s world-renowned protege Romana Kryanowska and her daughter Sari Mejia Santo. Pilates gives you coordination, grace, and natural rhythm. Pilates, including Pittsburgh Pilates studios, and its practices would not be where they are now without the fantastic story of Joseph Pilates. Sari chose Lisa Pellow to become a Level IV Teacher Train in 2017, allowing her to pass down Joseph’s legacy. Now, Lisa takes on her students at Touchstone Pilates in Pittsburgh to bring them into an intensive and informative program.
How Do I Become A Certified Instructor?
Take your passion for Pilates and make it into a career at Touchstone Pilates.

At Touchstone Pilates, Lisa can accept students into the training program, observe their work, and mentor them along the way. Students must first be evaluated and accepted into the program. They are required to take three seminars, pass three tests, and complete an independent study under the supervision and guidance of a leveled Romana’s Pilates Teacher Trainer. Each of the leveled Romana’s Pilates Teacher Trainers is hand-selected by Sari Mejia Santo, Juanita Lopez, and Cynthia Lochard.
The program each student must complete is designed entirely by Romana Kryanowska herself. It is firm in insisting upon commitment but will be flexible with work schedules and family obligations. The Romana’s Pilates Certification program will enrich anyone looking to pursue this as their second career or first passion. Here at Touchstone Pilates, we have three instructors.
- Lisa Pellow — After a distinguished career as a senior executive in banking and finance, Lisa left the corporate world to pursue her passion in Pilates. She is the only currently accredited second-generation Romana’s Pilates teacher of teachers and trainer in the Pittsburgh area.
- Christy Martin — Christy moved to Pittsburgh to continue her education and is a professional ballet dancer who has danced professionally at the Texas Ballet Theater, Tulsa Ballet, and Avant Chamber Ballet. She started studying Pilates during ballet and wanted to extend her Pilates career into becoming an instructor.
- Emilia Ardito — Emilia is now an apprentice and instructor at Touchstone Pilates but first found her love for Pilates during her time in Hawai’i. After relocating back to her home state of North Carolina, she began her journey to becoming a Pilates instructor.
Becoming a Romana’s Pilates certified instructor takes commitment, passion, and strength — both mentally and physically. As the only Pittsburgh Pilates studio with an accredited second-generation Romana’s Pilates teacher of teachers and trainer, Touchstone Pilates is your local resource for the practice originating directly from Joseph Pilates. Contact us today to get started on your journey to becoming a Romana’s Pilates certified instructor!