

Touchstone Pilates in studio pictureTouchstone Pilates in studio picture


Joseph Pilates preferred fewer, more precise movements, requiring control and form. He believed that mental and physical health were essential to one another and created a method of total body conditioning that emphasizes Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breath and Flow (the “Pilates Principles"). The results include increased flexibility, strength, muscle balance, body awareness, energy, and improved mental concentration. Pilates’ method focuses on strengthening the “powerhouse,” which consists of the abdomen, lower back and buttocks. Everyone can benefit from Pilates. Both men and women, young and old, professional and recreational athletes and fitness enthusiasts love the long, lean look that comes with consistent practice with a Dark HorsePilates trained and certified instructor.

Joseph Pilates was a genius well ahead of his time. He didn’t just develop a brilliant approach to fitness that includes over 500 exercises; he also engineered all the equipment, specifications and tuning required to teach the method properly. There is no debate that Contrology can work wonders when applied by a Romana’s Pilates trained and certified instructor who understands how to develop and tailor a Pilates workout specific to your body’s needs and capabilities. When applied correctly, Classical Pilates will make you look, feel and move better!

joe pilates collage
joe pilates

Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates was born in Germany in 1883. A “frail” child who suffered from asthma, he dedicated his entire life to becoming physically stronger. According to Joseph Hubertus Pilates, The Biography written by Javier Perez Pont & Esperanza Aparicio Romero, “when I was eight years old I did not play like other children. My fun was watching people and studying them. I began to study animals…I quickly discovered that animals had a wonderful system to stay in shape.” He studied their natural instinct to stretch, tense and bend their bodies. Pilates also discovered the philosophy of Ancient Greece which fit perfectly with his philosophy of exercise and practice and was the greatest influence on Joseph Pilates the teacher. “The Greeks, like Joseph, believed that the cultivation of the body had to be parallel with the development of the mind.”

In 1912 he moved to England earning a living as a boxer, circus performer and self-defense trainer. During World War I he was interned with other German citizens in a camp near Lancaster where he trained detainees in fitness and exercises. It was there that he started to develop his method, originally called Contrology, “the science and art of coordinated development of body, mind and spirit.” After the war, Pilates emigrated to the United States. On the ship to America he met his future “wife” Clara. The couple founded a studio in New York City and they directly taught and supervised their students well into the 1960’s.

Our classes are tailored to your Pilates goals.

Touchstone Pilates offers a range of classes designed for all fitness and skill levels

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Touchstone Pilates in studio picture

Pilates Principles


The main focus of the Pilates Method is the center of the body: the Powerhouse

All movement begins and is sustained through this center


Joseph Pilates believed that, “it is the mind that guides the body”. We center the mind with the body in action bringing the five aspects of the mind into the workout:

Intelligence, Intuition, Imagination, Will and Memory


Pilates is the Art of Contrology
When working from the center and with full concentration we are able to maintain control of every movement not allowing bad habits or gravity to take over


The benefits of Pilates depend solely on performing the exercises exactly according to the instructions ~ Joseph Pilates

Work with quality instead of quantity


All exercises are done with the rhythm of the breath and heart beat in order to send fresh oxygen to the muscles


The full workout is a flowing succession of exercises performed with vigorous dynamics

Movement is kept to a minimum, especially during transitions, for maximum flow