Jill Nolan


Jill Is an Intern working to become a Dark Horse Pilates Certified Instructor

Jill Nolan


Jill Nolan

Jill Practiced law in Pittsburgh for 18 years before leaving the profession to raise her two children. During those years she served as a director on the boards of several non-profits and co-chaired several gala a fundraising events.

Physical activity has always been an important part of Jill’s life and she has enjoyed ballet, crossfit style workouts and fitness style pilates. During the pandemic, Jill began working virtually with Romana’s Pilates certified instructor, Gina Papalia of Grasshopper Pilates NYC. She was then inspired to begin training with Lisa Pellow at Touchstone Pilates. Jill continues to be amazed at what Pilates can do for everybody at every age. Under the direction of Senior Instructor Lisa Pellow, she has improved spinal alignment and range of motion. Jill has also seen how Pilates has given her daughter, a classically trained dancer, strength and control over her flexible body. Jill is excited to learn to teach Joseph Pilates genius method and help clients embody his quote, “Change happens through movement and movement heals.”